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Displaying 1-5 of 11 results for Tag: benzoate
AN156: Determination of Anions in Toothpaste by Ion Chromatography
Instrument Type: ICThe determination of fluoride and sodium monofluorophosphate (MFP) in toothpastes is important to evaluate the quality and stability of these cavity- preventing compounds. In this application note, we describe the use of electrolytic eluent generation combined with a high-capacity, hydroxide- selective, anion-exchange column—the IonPac AS18— for the determination of fluoride, MFP, and other inactive anionic ingredients in different toothpastes.
AU157: Using a Reagent-Free Ion Chromatography System to Monitor Trace Anion Contamination in the Extracts of Electronic Components
Instrument Type: ICDionex Application Note 153 (AN153) showed that ion chromatography (IC) successfully determines low μg/L and, for some analytes, high ng/L anions in extracts of electronic components. The IC method in AN153 separated 14 inorganic anions and organic acids on an IonPac AS17 column set after sample preconcentration. In this application update a hydroxide gradient program similar to, but faster than, the program used in AN153 separates a new set of 14 anions.
AN116: Quantification of Anions in Pharmaceuticals (Hydroxide Eluent)
Instrument Type: ICThe United States Food and Drug Administration (U.S. FDA) and regulatory agencies in other countries require that pharmaceutical products be tested for composition. This Application Note describes the use of two anion exchange columns with suppressed conductivity detection to analyze common anions in pharmaceutical formulations. Here demonstrate that the IonPac AS11 resolves, in the same injection, common inorganic anions such as fluoride, chloride, bromide, sulfate, nitrate, and phosphate, as well as common organic anions such as benzoate, sorbate, citrate, and saccharin.
AN106: Ion Chromatography in the Pharmaceutical Industry (Mixed-Mode Column with UV Detection).
Instrument Type: HPLCIon Chromatography is a simple and accurate technique for the analysis and quantification of charged species. This application note describes the use of ion exchange chromatography and ion exclusion chromatography in the pharmaceutical industry for the analysis of ions in ingredients and final products. The topic of cleaning validation is also discussed as it applies to charged species. Here shows the separation of a series of aromatic acids by using an anion exchange column (OmniPac PAX-100) and UV absorbance detection.
AN153: Monitoring for Trace Anion Contamination in the Extracts of Electronic Components.
Instrument Type: ICThis application note focuses on the determination of ionic contamination of disk drive components. A comprehensive anion analysis of drive components prior to manufacturing can significantly reduce the incidence of corrosion and head-to-disk interface failures. The anions most routinely monitored are fluoride, chloride, bromide, nitrate, sulfate, and phosphate. High-volume direct injection and preconcentration are the two methods used to increase IC sensitivity. This note describes the use of these approaches to determine trace anion contaminants in extracts of disk drive components.