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Displaying 1-2 of 2 results for Tag: acetaldehyde
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顶空(Triplus-300)- 气相色谱法(GC1310-FID)测定水中的10 种挥发性物质
Instrument Type: GC采用赛默飞世尔全新一代TRACE 1310 GC 含氢火焰检测器,结合Triplus-300 顶空自动进样器。Triplus-300 顶空自动进样器具有高达300℃的孵化温度,同时具有120 位的进样盘和18 位的同时孵化炉,可以满足实验室的高样品量及缩短分析时间,提高分析效率的作用。另外其具有安装快捷方便,同时测定灵敏度高、重复性好、结果可靠等优点,本文完全满足饮用水中挥发性有机物的分析与检测需要,同时可以轻松应对实验室各种对水质分析的要求。
Simple isocratic separation of acetaldehyde, lactic acid and acetic acid using a mixed-mode HPLC column
Instrument Type: HPLCIn this work, the separation of acetaldehyde, lactic acid and acetic acid was achieved using the Thermo Scientific Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column. This column allows control over two retention mechanisms, leading to the development of a simple isocratic separation method.