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Displaying 1-2 of 2 results for Tag: Small particle column
AN72268: Determination of Fluoride in Tea using a Combustion Ion Chromatography System
Instrument Type: ICThis application note demonstrates a simple combustion ion chromatography (CIC) method to determine fluoride in tea. Using the CIC system including a Mitsubishi Automatic Combustion Unit AQF-2100H system and a Thermo Scientific Dionex Integrion HPIC system, fluoride in tea is determined in 20 min (11 min if the combustion and chromatography functions are overlapped), a significant time savings over the current Chinese national method which requires more than a hour. The CIC method is sensitive (MDL=1 ppm), precise, and accurate. The only sample preparation required is to grind and dry the tea.
AU205: Assay for Citrate and Phosphate in Pharmaceutical Formulations Using a High-Pressure Compact Ion Chromatography System
Instrument Type: ICUsing ion chromatography methods to determine citrate and phosphate in pharmaceutical formulations has been previously demonstrated, validated, and adopted by The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) in General Chapter< 345>. The monograph specified an L61 column. Here we demonstrate that a higher porosity, higher capacity, and smaller particle size L81 column with similar selectivity to L61 has much higher efficiencies, capacities, and sensitivities, and extended linear range with reduced run times.