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Displaying 1-3 of 3 results for Tag: QED
Comparing LC and GC Triple Quadrupole MS for the Screening of 500 Pesticides in Matrix
Instrument Type: LCMSMSModern pesticide analysis is extremely challenging due to the diversity of compounds required to be reported, especially in the area of food safety control. The pressure to report large numbers of pesticides quickly makes it attractive to use large single injection methods. Triple quad MS has emerged as a primary screening technique due to its high sensitivity and selectivity against matrix. Presented is a comparison of both LC and GC sample introduction techniques coupled to triple quad MS screening of over 500 pesticides at ppb levels.
Quantitation Enhanced Data-Dependent (QED) Scanning of Drinking Water Samples Using EQuan for PesticideAnalysis on aTriple Stage Quadrupole
Instrument Type: LCMSMSIn recent years, the use of LC-MS/MS for pesticide analysis has become increasingly popular due to the amenability of electrospray ionization (ESI) for polar compounds. This application note describes the Multi-residue assay of a group of pesticides in drinking water by EQuan. The method utilizes SRM for Quantification, followed by Data Dependent™ QED MS/MS and library searching for the structural confirmation of these analytes.
LC-MS/MS Analysis of Herbicides in Drinking Water at Femtogram Levels Using 20 mL EQuan Direct Injection Techniques
Instrument Type: LCMSMSLC-MS/MS is routinely used by the environmental and food industries to identify and quantify pesticide and herbicide residues. However, this method typically requires extensive offline sample preconcentration methods, which can be expensive and time-consuming, to meet the stringent requirements and low limits of detection set forth by federal and international regulatory authorities. An online preconcentration and cleanup method has been developed that improves both sensitivity and precision and yields unmatched throughput.