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Displaying 1-5 of 5 results for Tag: Propionate
AB135: Determination of Anions and Organic Acids in Brewed Coffee Samples Using Capillary IC
Instrument Type: ICThe characteristic aroma, acidity, and flavor of a coffee are attributed to the inorganic anions, organic acids, chlorogenic acid, and monosaccharides content. In this study, inorganic anions and organic acid anions in caffeinated and decaffeinated brewed coffee samples are separated within 20 min by anion-exchange chromatography on a capillary Dionex IonSwift MAX-100 (0.25 × 250 mm) column set using a gradient of potassium hydroxide eluent at 12 μL/min.
AN123: Determination of Inorganic Anions and Organic Acids in Fermentation Broths
Instrument Type: ICFermentation broths are complex mixtures of nutrients, waste products, cells and cell debris, and desired products. Fermentation monitoring is important for many industries because carbon sources and metabolic by-products can impact the yield of the desired products. This application note describes the use of two different anion-exchange columns, IonPac AS11 and IonPac AS11-HC, with suppressed conductivity detection, to analyze common organic and inorganic anions in yeast and bacterial fermentation broths.
AN107: Ions (Anions) in Physiological Fluids
Instrument Type: ICOne of the most important applications of IC in clinical chemistry is the analysis of physiological fluids such as urine, plasma, and serum both for inorganic and organic anions and cations. This application note outlines the analysis of physiological fluids using ion chromatography. Part one shows the anion method, the IonPac AS11 is coupled with the Anion Self-Regenerating Suppressor (ASRS) to dramatically reduce eluent conductivity, thus allowing the use of a rapidly increasing hydroxide gradient for the separation of an extensive group of monovalent through trivalent.
TN122: Separation of Heat Stable Amine Salts in Methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) SolutionsUsing High-Pressure IC
Instrument Type: ICSour gas is treated with amine and recycled amine (scrubbing) solutions to absorb toxic and undesirable H2S and CO2 create sweet natural gas. Salts of organic acids and sulfur species, heat stable amine salts (HSAS) can concentrate over time. Analysis of these HSAS are needed to assess the efficiency of scrubbing solution and can be quite challenging. In this technical note, HSAS in methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) were separated with high efficiency on a 2 mm i.d. IonPac AS11HC-4μm column using a high pressure ion chromatography system.
AN1000: Direct Determination of Small Organic Acids in Sea Water by IC-MS
Instrument Type: ICMSThis application demonstrates a 2D-IC-MS system that allows low levels of small organic acids (C1–5) to be analyzed in a high-ionic-strength matrix. The first dimension of the system separates the low-level analytes from the matrix while the second dimension resolves each of the target analytes. The mass spectrometer confirms identity and achieves low detection limits for a sensitive and selective assay. No special sample preparation was required and the results show good precision and reproducibility.