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Displaying 1-2 of 2 results for Tag: Power
AN158: Determination of Trace Sodium and Transition Metals in Power Industry Samples by Ion Chromatography with Nonsuppressed Conductivity Detection
Instrument Type: ICThis application compares suppressed to nonsuppressed conductivity detection for the determination of sub-ppb concentrations of sodium in simulated power plant matrices. Linearity, limits of detection, and recovery of sub-ppb sodium spiked into simulated samples containing high concentrations of ethanolamine are reported. In addition, this application describes the determination of transition metals by nonsuppressed conductivity detection.
AN152: Determination of Sodium at the Parts-Per-Trillion Level in the Presence of High Concentrations of Ethanolamine in Power Plant Waters
Instrument Type: ICThis application describes an IC method for the determination of trace sodium in power plant matrices (e.g., high ethanolamine matrices). The method includes a sample preconcentration column to allow for the quantification of sodium at the ng/L levels. The analytes are separated on a high-capacity Thermo Scientific Dionex IonPac CS16 column using on-line electrically generated MSA and detected using suppressed conductivity.