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Displaying 1-3 of 3 results for Tag: Ozonation
TN116: Determination of Bromate by ISO Method 11206
Instrument Type: ICBromate is separated using a latexbased anion exchanger and a methanesulfonic acid eluent, followed by a simplified postcolumn reaction to form triiodide. This is subsequently detected by its UV-absorption. Because the reaction takes place at lower pH than other methods, no heating of the reaction coil is needed. These conditions prevent interference from chlorite, which is known to interfere in other bromate determination methods.
AU154: Determination of Bromate in Drinking and Mineral Water by Isocratic Ion Chromatography with a Hydroxide Eluent
Instrument Type: ICOzone is a powerful drinking water disinfectant that is effective in treating chlorine resistant organisms. Ozonation is an effective disinfection process that is used worldwide, but will produce bromate if the source water contains bromide. Bromate is a potential human carcinogen and its concentration in drinking water is regulated in many countries. This application update shows that bromate, chlorate, and chlorite can be determined with an isocratic hydroxide eluent to easily meet current bromate regulations.
AN208: Determination of Bromate in Bottled Mineral Water Using the CRD 300 Carbonate Removal Device
Instrument Type: ICThis application note describes the use of the Thermo Scientific Dionex CRD 300 Carbonate Removal Device to remove the majority of carbonate from the eluent and allow hydroxide-like performance and detection sensitivity. This device was used with the Dionex IonPac AS23 to determine bromate in bottled mineral water samples. Detection sensitivity when using the Dionex CRD 300 Carbonate Removal Device was improved compared to chromatography without the Dionex CRD 300 device.