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Displaying 1-5 of 45 results for Tag: Monosaccharide
AN1089: Determination of Carbohydrates in Acid Hydrolysates of Wood - Method 2
Instrument Type: ICThis work develops methods for the determination of carbohydrates in wood acid hydrolysates using a CarboPac SA10-4μm column, along with a 0.4 µL injection and thicker working electrode gasket. This column contains smaller resin particles, enabling high-resolution, high-efficiency separation, particularly for the rhamnose-galactose that has been challenging to resolve with previous methods. The described method is fast, provides good sensitivity and consistent response, and can be routinely used to determine sugars in wood samples. An ICS-6000 can be used for this application.
AN1089: Determination of Carbohydrates in Acid Hydrolysates of Wood - Method 1
Instrument Type: ICThis work develops methods for the determination of carbohydrates in wood acid hydrolysates using the CarboPac SA10-4μm column, along with a 0.4 µL injection and thicker working electrode gasket. This column contains smaller resin particles, enabling high-resolution, high-efficiency separation, particularly for rhamnose-galactose that has been challenging to resolve with previous methods. The described method is fast, provides good sensitivity and consistent response. An ICS-6000 can be used for this application.
TN72264: HPAE-PAD N-linked Oligosaccharide Profiling of IgG
Instrument Type: ICThis technical note reports an HPAE-PAD method to profile IgG N-linked oligosaccharides and N-linked high-mannose type oligosaccharides that are atypical for human polyclonal IgG but sometimes found on mAbs. This HPAE-PAD method is orthogonal to other oligosaccharide methods applied to IgG. More information on the development and application of the separation described in the technical note can be found in Rohrer, et al. as referenced in the document.
TN72225: Glycoprotein Monosaccharide Analysis using HPAE-PAD with Manually Prepared Eluent
Instrument Type: ICThis work describes an HPAE-PAD method for monosaccharide composition analysis using manually prepared eluent. Monosaccharide analysis using electrolytically generated eluent has been described before. Here, three commercially available proteins, IgG, fetuin, and alpha-1-acid glycoprotein, were individually subjected to two hydrolysis conditions using 1)HCl, for the amino sugars galactosamine and glucosamine, and 2)TFA, for the neutral sugars mannose, glucose, and galactose. Results for method linearity, robustness, and accuracy are presented here. An ICS-6000 can be used for this application.
AN72210: Fast Determination of Biofuel Sugars by HPAE-PAD
Instrument Type: ICThis work updates the column used in AN1161 with a shorter 4 × 150 mm format column. The combination of the smaller resin particle size of the Dionex CarboPac SA10-4μm column and the shorter column used here results in separation of eight common sugars in less than six minutes. This is significant time savings as compared to the eight-minute runtime achieved in AN1089. The shorter run time allows for faster sample turnaround times and reduced eluent consumption, thereby improving the overall process economics. Results for method linearity, accuracy, and robustness are presented here.