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Displaying 1-4 of 4 results for Tag: Ketone
Analyzing Residual Solvents in Pharmaceutical Products Using GC Headspace with Valve-and-Loop Sampling
Instrument Type: GCThis application note describes the analysis of residual solvents in accordance with USP method <467> using the Thermo Scientific™ TRACE™ 1310 GC, the new Thermo Scientific™ TriPlus™ 300 Headspace autosampler, and the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ Chromeleon™ chromatography data system (CDS) software. The method details the chromatographic system and analytical conditions to be used and addresses the acceptable limits for each solvent.
Static Headspace Analysis of Residual Solvents in Flexible Packaging and Quantitation with Multiple Headspace Extraction Following EN 13628-1:2002
Instrument Type: GCGoal of this application is to demonstrate the applicability of a modern, high-throughput valve-and-loop static headspace autosampler to obtain full compliance with the European Standard EN 13628-1, which specifies guidelines for the quantitative determination of residual solvents in flexible packaging by Multiple Headspace Extraction methodology. The Thermo Scientific Trace1310 GC coupled with the Triplus300 HS have been used for this purpose.
Rapid, Automated, and Accurate Determination of Volatiles in Human Blood by Headspace Gas Chromatography
Instrument Type: GCThe purpose of this application is to describe the determination of blood alcohol levels by using the Trace 1310 GC in dual-column configuration, coupled with the new Triplus 300 Headspace Autosampler. Blood alchol content analysis is one of the most common test in forensic science and it is generally performed via headspace gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (FID). The use of Chromeleon CDS software is employed to easily perform the analysis in the dual-column / dual-FID configuration in a fully automated manner.
Fast analysis of ketones using a Thermo Scientific Accucore C18 HPLC column
Instrument Type: HPLCThe Thermo Scientific HPLC system is applied for the determination of ketones. The separation is performed on a Thermo Scientific Accucore C18 HPLC column in less than 2 minutes, with UV detection at 258 nm.