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Displaying 1-3 of 3 results for Tag: IonPac ICE-AS1
TN45: Determination of Trace Anions in Hydrofluoric Acid, Ammonium Fluoride, and a Buffered Oxide Etchant
Instrument Type: ICThis work, an update to the original TN 45, reports an improved method for determining low concentrations of strong acid anions in HF. The method design also allows determination of low concentrations of strong acid anions in an HF/ammonium fluoride mixture (BOE), and ammonium fluoride. The ICE-AS6 column was replaced by the ICE-AS1 column because internal analysis showed that ICE-AS1 column had consistently low levels of sulfate, whereas there was a wide variation in sulfate concentrations from the ICE-AS6 column.
AN117 - Quantification of Carbohydrates and Glycols in Pharmaceuticals - Glycols Method
Instrument Type: ICThis application note describes the use of three different anion-exchange columns with amperometric detection to analyze common simple sugars, sugar alcohols, and glycols in pharmaceutical formulations. The method in this entry shows how to determine glycols using ion-exclusion chromatography on Dionex ICE-AS1 column.
AN246: Determination of Diethylene Glycol in a Sorbitol Solution
Instrument Type: ICGlycerin, sorbitol, and propylene glycol (PG) are widely used in pharmaceuticals and personal care products. These products are at risk from adulteration by similar, less costly, and very toxic compounds (ethylene glycol (EG) and diethylene glycol (DG)). The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) as directed by the US FDA revised USP 32 NF 26–27 monographs to identify and quantify EG and DEG in PG, sorbitol, and glycerin solutions. Here DEG in sorbitol solution is determined by IC-PAD with Pt working electrode. An ICS-6000 can be used for this application.