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Displaying 1-5 of 16 results for Tag: IonPac CS12A
AB136 (b): Determination of Inorganic Counterions in Pharmaceutical Drugs Using Capillary IC
Instrument Type: ICApproximately 50% of all drugs on the market are developed in salt forms. IC with suppressed conductivity detection plays an important role in the salt selection process to establish correct molecular mass of the entity in early stages of drug development. This study describes the determination of inorganic anions (a) and cations (b) in two different drugs using the capillary Thermo Scientific Dionex ICS-5000 system.
CAN118: Determination of Trace Sodium in Diesel and Biodiesel Fuel
Instrument Type: ICSodium determination in diesel fuel using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) is possible; limits of detection are ~0.1 ppm. The goal of this study was to develop and test an alternate approach using IC for the determination of cations in diesel fuel. The approach focused on the use of commercially available modules and existing standard chromatographic conditions. The challenge was to design an automated, cost-effective, fast, and sensitive method that can provide 10–100 times greater sensitivity than ICP-OES method and does not require manual extraction steps.
AB117: Determination of Cations in Fruit Juices
Instrument Type: ICDetermining cations, such as potassium, sodium, and calcium, in fruit juices is important due to the dietary significance of such cations. A simple Ion chromatography (IC) method to determine cations in fruit juices requires only a 1:100 dilution followed by injection. This method use 2 mm diameter IonPac CS12A column and provides results for multiple ions in a 5 min analysis.
AU158: Determination of Manganese in Brine
Instrument Type: ICSodium chloride brines are used in chlor-alkali cells and must have low concentrations of alkali and alkaline earth metals to prevent membrane poisoning. When brines are prepared from seawater, the manganese concentration is also a concern. This application update uses the same separation conditions as AN 120, but alters the online sample preparation with the MetPac column to effectively concentrate manganese from 10 times more sample than used in AN 120.
AN269: Identification and Quantification at ppb Levels of Common Cations and Amines by IC-MS
Instrument Type: ICMSThe work shown here demonstrates the use of IC-MS for the determination of six commonly found cations and selected amines on an IonPac CS12A-5µm column. Confirmatory information was obtained using full-scan MS spectra showing positively charged cation species and characteristic adduct patterns. Quantification was achieved using selected ion monitoring (SIM) acquisitions for each target analyte.