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Displaying 1-3 of 3 results for Tag: ISQ GCMS
AN10451: Determination of Chlorophenols in Water According to U.S. EPA Method 528
Instrument Type: GCMSPhenolic compounds are involved in many industrial processes as either reagents or byproducts. Their ubiquitous presence and widespread use makes pollution with phenols very likely. Waters are particularly impacted and monitoring is necessary to detect this source of pollution as it can represent a serious threat to environmental and human health. U.S. EPA method 528 provides guidelines for the GC-MS analysis of phenols in water. This application note provides a workflow method for determination of chlorophenols in drinking water and can be used for U.S. EPA Method 528.
在线凝胶色谱- 气质联用法测定蔬菜中的181 种农药残留
Instrument Type: GCMS采用赛默飞世尔科技在线凝胶色谱- 气质联用(Online- GPC-GC/MS)对3 种蔬菜中181 种农药残留进行定性定量 分析。该方法前处理操作简单,重复性好,灵敏度高。 实验结果表明181 种化合物线性关系良好,线性相关系 数均大于0.99;91.7% 的化合物检出限低于1μg/kg;RSD 在0.08-11.39% 之间,90.8% 的加标回收率均在70%-130% 之间,结果良好。
加速溶剂萃取- 气质联用法测定PM2.5 中的多环芳烃
Instrument Type: GCMS本文采用加速溶剂萃取- 气质联用法(ASE-GC/MS)测定PM2.5 中的多环芳烃,样品前处理只需要20min 即可完成,无须经过繁琐的人工前处理过程,与传统的索氏提取相比, 加速溶剂萃取不仅时间消耗少, 试剂消耗量少, 并且操作简单, 回收率高。同时,ISQ 单四极杆质谱为检测多环芳烃提供超高的灵敏度、检出限,能够满足PM2.5 中痕量的PAHs 的检测需求。