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Displaying 1-3 of 3 results for Tag: HR/AM
High-Resolution Accurate-Mass (HRAM) Phthalate Screening using Direct Analysis in Real Time (DART) Ambient Ionization
Instrument Type: MSMSPhthalic acid diesters (PAEs), or phthalates, are widely used in industry as a plasticizer in products like toys, flooring, personal care products and food packages. Some PAEs are classified as hazardous, affecting mainly the reproductive system and possibly contributing to cancer. Though regulated, these phthalates might be present and used during production of goods. We demonstrate the possibility of using precursor ion selection and full scan MS2 spectrum, and utilize it as a fingerprint for the characterization of the different compounds/isomers with nominal m/z ratios 279 and 391.
A Rapid and Specific Method for the Detection of Spiked Toxins Into the Food Supply
Instrument Type: LCMSMSDeveloping a fast and accurate screening method for detecting a wide range of toxic compounds is an important task for food safety. HR/AM spectrometry overcomes the screening limitation via selected reaction monitoring (SRM) on triple stage quadrupoles, because specific compounds need not be selected before analysis. Highly confident ID is achieved by accurate mass measurement of both precursor and fragment ions. A novel UHPLC-MS/MS method employing the Q Exactive benchtop Orbitrap mass spectrometer is proposed here for the study of possible spiked toxic agents into apple juice.
High Resolution LC-MS for Screening and Quantitative Analysis of Antibiotics in Drinking Water Using an Orbitrap and Online Sample Preparation
Instrument Type: LCMSMost current methodologies for the quantitation of antibiotics in drinking water revolve around analysis using triple stage quadrupole platforms with offline sample preparation. This is a proven technique for the analysis of many contaminants in various types of water samples, but the offline sample preparation steps are time-consuming and prone to operator error and reproducibility problems. We demonstrate the ability to directly inject the water sample without any offline preconcentration. We utilize LC-MS with a Thermo Scientific Exactive Plus Orbitrap MS using HR/AM.