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Displaying 1-5 of 10 results for Tag: Glycolate
AB137: Determination of Inorganic and Organic Acids in Apple and Orange Juice Samples Using Capillary IC
Instrument Type: ICDeterminations of organic acids in fruit juices are used by the beverage industry for flavor characterization, identification of spoilage, identification of adulteration by a less costly juice, and product labeling. In this study, inorganic anions and organic acids in diluted filtered apple and orange juice samples were determined on a Dionex IonSwift MAX-100 anion-exchange column using electrolytically generated hydroxide gradient from 0.1–65 mM KOH over 25 min at 15 μL/min.
TN46: Determination of Trace Anions in Concentrated Glycolic Acid
Instrument Type: ICThis Technical Note describes the theory, set up, and analytical procedure for the determination of trace chloride and sulfate at sub-mg/L (ppm) levels in 0.7-17.5% (v/v) glycolic acid.
TN62: Reducing Carbonate Interference in Anion Determinations with the Carbonate Removal Device (CRD): Trace Anions
Instrument Type: ICCarbonate can interfere with accurate quantification of adjoining anions, such as sulfate. Here we show the efficient removal of the carbonate peak from a trace analysis water sample using the Dionex CRD 200 device. In this example, a large volume (1000 uL) of water spiked with < 4 ug/L concentration of 17 anions is directly analyzed.
TN48 (Method 2): Determination of Trace Anions in High-Purity Water by High-Volume Direct Injection with Online Eluent Generation
Instrument Type: ICThis note describes the use of the eluent generator with the high-volume direct-injection technique to determine trace anions in high-purity waters. The ability to generate high-purity and carbonate-free eluents on-line improves performance for trace-level analysis. Retention time reproducibility is improved, especially for early-eluting species. The baseline shift from the hydroxide gradient is significantly reduced. Two columns are described: the 2-mm IonPac AS11 & 2-mm AS15. Common inorganic anions and low molecular weight organic acids are determined below μg/L levels in less than 35 min.
TN48 (Method 1): Determination of Trace Anions in High-Purity Water by High-Volume Direct Injection with Online Eluent Generation
Instrument Type: ICThis note describes the use of an eluent generator with the high-volume direct-injection technique to determine trace anions in high-purity waters. The ability to generate high-purity and carbonate-free eluents on-line improves performance for trace-level analysis. Retention time reproducibility is improved, especially for early-eluting species. The baseline shift from the hydroxide gradient is significantly reduced. Two columns are described: the 2-mm IonPac AS11 & 2-mm AS15. Common inorganic anions and low molecular weight organic acids are determined below μg/L levels in less than 35 min.