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Displaying 1-2 of 2 results for Tag: CERS 500
AN1144: Ion Chromatography Assay for Lithium in Lithium Hydroxide
Instrument Type: ICThe IC-based method described in this application note uses a Thermo Scientific Dionex IonPac CS16 cation-exchange column, an electrolytically generated MSA eluent, and suppressed conductivity detection to determine lithium in lithium hydroxide. The method proposed in this application note was validated following the guidelines outlined in USP General Chapter <1225>, Validation of Compendial Procedures to meet the requirements for lithium and calcium quantification prescribed in the lithium hydroxide USP monograph. An ICS-6000 can be used for this application.
Determination of Common Inorganic Cations in Drinking Water Using the IonPac CS16 Column QAR Method
Instrument Type: ICA simple ion chromatography method for the direct determination of inorganic cations in drinking water by Reagent Free ICS 5000 plus system, requiring only deionized water to electrolytically produce a MSA eluent. The method in this record is the Quality Assurance Report (QAR) method, and therefore can be used to test the performance of a Dionex IonPac CS16 column.