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Displaying 1-2 of 2 results for Tag: Ammonia
AU204: Determination of Inorganic Cations and Ammonium in Environmental Waters Using a Compact Ion Chromatography System
Instrument Type: ICThis Application Update revises AN141 using the compact, integrated Dionex Integrion HPIC system with a Dionex IonPac CS16-4μm cation-exchange column. Inorganic cations and ammonium in environmental waters are determined using a 4 μm particle 4 mm i.d. cation-exchange column to shorten analysis time.
AN1072: Ion Chromatography Assay for Ammonia in Adenosine
Instrument Type: ICAdenosine is produced by the condensation of ribose and adenine biochemically or by fermentation. Ammonia is an impurity in adenosine preparations and the U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) adenosine monograph describes an assay to determine the amount of ammonia in adenosine by comparing the color of an adenosine sample and a ammonium chloride standard solution after the addition of an alkaline mercuric/potassium iodide solution to each. This application is an ion chromatography (IC)-based method that can meet the assay requirements and replace the USP adenosine monograph’s color-based method.