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Displaying 1-3 of 3 results for Tag: Acclaim C18

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AN1100: Determination of Benzo[a]pyrene in Municipal Drinking Water Using Automated Solid-Phase Extraction and Liquid Chromatography with Fluorescence Detection

Instrument Type: HPLC

A Dionex AutoTrace 280 solid-phase extraction instrument was used to reduce analyst intervention and automatically complete SPE column activation, sample loading, and the elution and collection of Benzo[a]pyrene. The eluted samples were solvent exchanged and concentrated to a defined volume, and then trace Benzo[a]pyrene in municipal water was measured using HPLC with fluorescence detection.

AN130: Identification of a Hydroxylysine-ContainingPeptide Using AAA-Direct

Instrument Type: HPLC (Biocompatible)

This application note shows that AAA-Direct can be used to determine peptides with lysine hydroxylation. All common amino acids, including hydroxylysine (Hyl), were separated by AAA-Direct, and the presence or absence of Hyl in the fractions confirmed peak identities. The techniques described in this application note show several ways that peptides can be evaluated for identity and purity, how peptides can be desalted, and how much desalting is needed for successful AAADirect amino acid analysis.


Instrument Type: HPLC

本文通过高效液相色谱- 荧光检测法建立了一种快速、灵敏、简便的测定化妆品中痕量罗丹明B 的方法,该方法具有重现性好、线性范围宽、灵敏度高等特点,为质监部门控制化妆品等行业罗丹明的使用提供了技术支持,也适用于化妆品等行业的产品质量控制。