There is increasing demand to provide rapid and selective screening techniques for a wide range of antibiotic drugs. Their abuse as a feed supplement in food animals is of growing concern and is subject to regulations globally. Creating screening methods for multiple analytes is more cost effective than dedicated methods for fewer analytes. This application shows the advantages of using the Thermo Scientific Accucore Vanquish C18 UHPLC 1.5 µm column and Vanquish UHPLC system for the analysis of thirty-six antibiotics.
Forty-four multi-class veterinary drugs of known concentrations were employed to demonstrate how the use of a generic variable data-independent acquisition (vDIA) method with wide MS/MS precursor isolation windows achieves sensitivity and selectivity comparable to data-dependent MS2 acquisition (using narrow isolation windows) in quantitative and qualitative small molecule applications. In addition, a full record of MS and MS/MS data for the measured sample fit for non-targeted and unknown screening purposes is delivered. vDIA is not available in the United States of America
To describe a new method for veterinary drug analysis, showing how the variable data-independent acquisition (vDIA) workflow achieves high sensitivity and selectivity, providing a complete high-quality data record of the measured sample. Quantitative analysis of the acquired data in combination with non-targeted and unknown screening is shown. vDIA is not available in the United States of America