As agricultural trade grows and food safety concerns mount, stricter pesticide regulations are being enforced around the world. Increased pesticide testing and reductions in maximum permissible residue levels have driven demand for fast, sensitive and cost-effective analytical methods for high-throughput screening of multi-class pesticides in food. Detection of 510 pesticides at low ppb levels was achieved within 12 minutes using the Thermo Scientific Exactive benchtop LC/MS system powered by Orbitrap technology.
We describe a very simple, easy-to-reproduce screening and quantitation method to identify pesticides in surface water, ground water, and drinking water. All samples were analyzed by using online solid phase extraction (SPE) coupled to a Thermo Scientific Exactive high performance benchtop mass spectrometer. The acquired HRAM data was processed by using ExactFinder software for qualitative and quantitative data processing. Targeted pesticides were identified, and a number of non-targeted pesticides were confirmed by elemental composition. All samples underwent quantitative analysis.
We developed a quick and efficient LC-MS/MS method for screening pesticides in orange oil and ginseng extract using TraceFinder software.
We describe a method to analyze large numbers of pesticides in a single run on a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer using TraceFinder software with built-in workflows for streamlining method development and routine analysis.
The Thermo Scientific HPLC system is applied with the Thermo Scientific Accucore 2.6 µm RP-MS column for the fast analysis of a range of urea herbicides. The separation was achieved in less than four minutes with UV detection showing this column can provide good baseline resolution of the analytes with low operating pressures.