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Sensitive determination of acrylamide in potato chips using a Thermo Scientific TraceGOLD TG-Wax MS GC column Be the first to rate this application

sensitive determination acrylamide potato chips using a thermo scientific tracegold tgwax ms gc column


An extraction of acrylamide from potato chips was performed using Thermo Scientific HyperSep Hypercarb solid phase extraction (SPE) with quantitation of acrylamide performed using a Thermo Scientific GC-MS with a Thermo Scientific TraceGOLD TG-WaxMS GC column. A standard addition calibration curve was used to estimate the level of acrylamide in potato chips and found to be 450 µg/kg.
Market: Food and Beverage
Keywords: Acrylamide, GC, Hypercarb, MS detection, Potato chips, SPE, TraceGOLD TG-WaxMS
Matrix: Potato chips
Uploaded on 9/4/2012.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.