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Separation of process intermediate stages of Glutamine.
The Thermo Scientific Dionex UltiMate 3000 LC system is applied for the analysis of Glutamine intermediates The separation was performed on a Thermo Scientific Acclaim Polar Advantage HPLC column. There are 3 different stages which are highly polar, mid polar and non polar in nature and need to be separated, these stages are termed as Stage-IC, Stage-II-B and Stage-III Stage-I-C, Stage-II B and Stage –III are well separated and are easily detected up to 0.15 ppm when spiked with Stage-III.Market: | Pharma |
Keywords: | HPLC, UV detection, Glutamine, Acclaim Polar Advantage C16, Intermediate stages |
Matrix: | N/A |
Author: | Manish Singh |
Affiliation: | Thermo Fisher Scientific, APAC CoE Lab, Ahmedabad, India |
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.