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Displaying 1-2 of 2 results for Tag: non-suppressed conductivity
AN250: Determination of Trace Nickel and Zinc in Borated Power Plant Waters Containing Lithium Hydroxide Using Nonsuppressed Conductivity Detection
Instrument Type: ICBoron as boric acid is used to control the nuclear reaction in pressurized water reactors (PWR) because of its strong neutron-absorbing characteristics. In addition, lithium is added to adjust the pH and zinc is added to suppress cobalt (58Co, 60Co) activity. Dissolved Ni in these solutions can be indicator of stress corrosion. To minimize corrosion, Ni and Zn monitoring is needed. Here µg/L of Ni and Zn in borated lithium water samples are determined on IonPac SCS-1 column and detected by non-suppressed conductivity. We recommend AN277 if sub-ppb detection is needed.
AN157: Comparison of Suppressed to Nonsuppressed Conductivity Detection for the Determination of Common Inorganic Cations
Instrument Type: ICThis application compares suppressed to nonsuppressed conductivity detection for the determination of inorganic cations. The Thermo Scientific Dionex IonPac CS16 was used to demonstrate the capabilities of a suppressed cation system, in terms of capacity, linearity, detection limits, and typical baseline noise using a self-regenerating suppressor. A silica-based cation-exchange column, the Thermo Scientific Dionex IonPac SCS 1, was evaluated for nonsuppressed cations and the results were compared to the suppressed system.