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Displaying 1-3 of 3 results for Tag: ion exclusIC
Dionex IonPac ICE AS6 Column Performance Test Using its QAR Method
Instrument Type: ICBefore running any samples, Thermo Scientific recommends that you first confirm the performance of the column by reproducing the lot validation report chromatogram shipped with column.Compare your results with the one reported in the quality assurance report. At least three injections should be made. This record provides an eWorkflow for executing the QAR method on an ICS-5000 system.<enter final 90 characters of description>
AN246: Determination of Diethylene Glycol in a Sorbitol Solution
Instrument Type: ICGlycerin, sorbitol, and propylene glycol (PG) are widely used in pharmaceuticals and personal care products. These products are at risk from adulteration by similar, less costly, and very toxic compounds (ethylene glycol (EG) and diethylene glycol (DG)). The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) as directed by the US FDA revised USP 32 NF 26–27 monographs to identify and quantify EG and DEG in PG, sorbitol, and glycerin solutions. Here DEG in sorbitol solution is determined by IC-PAD with Pt working electrode. An ICS-6000 can be used for this application.
AN188: Determination of Glycols and Alcohols in Fermentation Broths Using Ion-Exclusion Chromatography and Pulsed Amperometric Detection
Instrument Type: ICFermentation has been used for centuries to produce alcoholic beverages, bread, cheese, yogurt, and feed stock for animals. To optimize growth and yields, it is crucial to monitor fermentation broths for both cellular fuel sources as well as metabolic byproducts. Alcohols and glycols have been determined using ion exclusion chromatography (ICE) with a Thermo Scientific Dionex IonPac ICE-AS1, using MSA. The waveform and platinum electrode used here allow fast, accurate determinations of alcohols and glycols in fermentation media and alcoholic beverage samples through ICE with PAD.