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Displaying 1-2 of 2 results for Tag: buffer
A universal chromatography method for aggregate analysis of monocolonal antibodies
Instrument Type: UHPLCAnalysis of protein aggregation of five important biotherapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) by size-exclusion chromatography, showing the universal applicability of the Thermo Scientific MAbPac SEC-1 column for aggregate analysis of mAbs. The biopharmaceutical industry continues to develop mAb-based biotherapeutics have several key quality attributes that require quantification. This shows the ability to determine quickly and accurately the percentage of aggregates and fragments for five therapeutics as shown with full details in the AN21601 download.
AN200: Direct Determination of Cyanate in a Urea Solution and a Urea-Containing Protein Buffer
Instrument Type: ICUrea is commonly used in protein purification and in recombinant protein manufacturing to denature and solubilize protein. Typically proteins are readily soluble and denature in 4–6 M urea although most solubilize and denature at 8–10 M urea. This can be problematic as the maximum rate of cyanate production occurs near neutral pH, the typical pH range of biological buffers. Cyanate can carbamylate proteins causing unwanted modifications that can alter the protein’s stability. Cyanate determinations in protein bufferes is shown here using an IonPac AS15-5µm column and a Reagent-Free IC system.