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Displaying 1-5 of 6 results for Tag: Trimethylamine
AU155: Determination of Cations and Amines in Hydrogen Peroxide by Ion Chromatography Using a RFIC (Reagent-Free) System
Instrument Type: ICHydrogen peroxide is an essential chemical in the fabrication of integrated circuit and microcircuit devices. Maximum allowable contaminate levels for semiconductor grade hydrogen peroxide can be as low as <100 ppt (ng/L) per individual inorganic cation. This application uses an IonPac CS17 column to determine trace cations and amines in hydrogen peroxide with a large-loop injection. The CS17 column separates amines without the organic solvent eluent modifier needed for separating amines when using older cation-exchange ion-chromatography (IC) columns.
AN269: Identification and Quantification at ppb Levels of Common Cations and Amines by IC-MS
Instrument Type: ICMSThe work shown here demonstrates the use of IC-MS for the determination of six commonly found cations and selected amines on an IonPac CS12A-5µm column. Confirmatory information was obtained using full-scan MS spectra showing positively charged cation species and characteristic adduct patterns. Quantification was achieved using selected ion monitoring (SIM) acquisitions for each target analyte.
AN94: Determination of Trace Cations in Concentrated Acids (Sulfuric Acid) Using AutoNeutralization Pretreatment and Ion Chromatography
Instrument Type: ICThe determination of trace cationic contamination in processing acids (phosphoric, sulfuric, hydrofluoric) is important to the electronics industries to minimize corrosion. Here trace cationic contamination is determined in a 24% sulfuric acid sample. The acid sample is automatically neutralized through an electrolytic device, and then retained and concentrated onto a concentrator column. After eluting from the concentrator column, the µg/L cations are determined on an IonPac CS16 column using electrolytically generated MSA eluent and suppressed conductivity detection.
AN94: Determination of Trace Cations in Concentrated Acids (Phosphoric Acid) Using AutoNeutralization Pretreatment and Ion Chromatography
Instrument Type: ICThe determination of trace cationic contamination in processing acids (phosphoric, sulfuric, hydrofluoric) is important to the electronics industries to minimize corrosion. Here trace cationic contamination is determined in a 25% phosphoric acid sample. The acid sample is automatically neutralized through an electrolytic device, and then retained and concentrated onto a concentrator column. After eluting from the concentrator column, the µg/L cations are determined on an IonPac CS16 column using electrolytically generated MSA eluent and suppressed conductivity detection.
AN94: Determination of Trace Cations in Concentrated Acids (Hydrofluoric Acid) Using AutoNeutralization Pretreatment and Ion Chromatography
Instrument Type: ICThe determination of trace cationic contamination in processing acids (phosphoric, sulfuric, hydrofluoric) is important to the electronics industries to minimize corrosion. Here trace cationic contamination is determined in a 10% hydrofluoric acid sample. The acid sample is automatically neutralized through an electrolytic device, and then retained and concentrated onto a concentrator column. After eluting from the concentrator column, the µg/L cations are determined on an IonPac CS16 column using electrolytically generated MSA eluent and suppressed conductivity detection.