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Displaying 1-2 of 2 results for Tag: Postcolumn derivatization
AN1142: Determination of Aluminum in OTC Pharmaceutical Products
Instrument Type: ICAluminum-containing compounds are used extensively in cosmetics, prescription pharmaceuticals, and OTC drug products. In this application note, we report the validation of an IC method for the determination of aluminum in OTC formulations using a Dionex IonPac CS10 analytical column and postcolumn derivatization with Tiron, followed by UV absorbance detection at 310 nm. The method was evaluated in terms of linearity, precision, accuracy, ruggedness, and limit of quantitation for aluminum. The method was evaluated with antacids and deodorants. An ICS-6000 can be used for this application.
AU168: Determination of Transition Metals in Complex Matrices
Instrument Type: ICChelation ion chromatography facilitates the determination of low concentrations (μg/L and lower) of transition metals in samples including seawater, brines, estuarine waters, and a variety of biological samples. Here, the authors simplify the system configuration described in Technical Note 25, using an ICS-3000 system. The separation has also been updated to include the IonPac CS5A/CG5A column set, which demonstrates improved selectivity and peak efficiency for separation of transition metals compared to the CS5.