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Displaying 1-4 of 4 results for Tag: Plasticizer
AN336: Accelerated Solvent Extraction of Plasticizers from Polyvinyl Chloride Polymer
Instrument Type: Automated Sample PrepPolyvinyl chloride (PVC) polymers are typically composed of resins, stabilizers, pigments, and plasticizers. Plasticizers, 30–35% of the formulation, are used to soften the polymer, increase manufacturability, and provide form and function. Extraction and determination of plasticizers in PVC material are critical steps in evaluating a polymer for an intended use. This Application Note outlines the basic principles of using accelerated solvent extraction to extract plasticizers such as dioctyl adipate, trioctyl phosphate, dioctyl phthalate, and trioctyl trimellitate from PVC.
Identification and Quantitation of Plastic Additives in Medicine Containers by HR LCMS, GCMS and ICPMS
Instrument Type: LCMSMSPurpose: Identification and Quantitation of Plastics Additives in Medicine Containers by HR LCMS, GCMS and ICPMS. Methods: HR-LCMS, GCMS and ICPMS and data processing software. Results: Comprehensive analysis of extractable for medicine container by multiple techniques, and data analysis software. Confident component detection, unknown structure identification, and quantification were achieved.
Determination of Bisphenol A in Infant Formula by Automated Sample Preparation and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Instrument Type: LCMSMS2,2-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl) propane, commonly known as Bisphenol A (BPA), is one of the primary chemicals used to make plastics. It is also heavily used in the production of various types of food and drink containers. Because BPA has been known to leach from the plastic lining of metal canned food, the potential risks of exposure to BPA have been a great concern over the past few years. We describe a six-minute LC-MS/MS method using automated sample preparation for the assay of BPA in canned infant formula powder by negative ion APCI using a deuterated internal standard (BPA-d16).
Analysis of Plasticizer Contaminants in Beverages and Milk using an Automated System Based on Turbulent-flow Chromatography Coupled to LC-MS/MS
Instrument Type: LCMSMSPhthalates are known endocrine disruptors that have been used to deliberately adulterate beverages and sports drinks in Taiwan. Phthalates and other plasticizers are ubiquitous contaminants particularly in fatty foodstuffs. Contamination arises from numerous sources such as the environment and food packaging. Cross-contamination with phthalates can easily arise during trace analysis in the laboratory and there are significant advantages in minimizing sample handling through online automated analysis. A method using online Thermo Scientific TurboFlow chromatography is presented.