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Displaying 1-4 of 4 results for Tag: PHG
AN1136: Determination of Perchlorate in Drinking Water using a Microbore Reagent Free Ion Chromatography System (Part C)
Instrument Type: ICThis Application Note expands the scope of the EPA Method 314.0 to the 2-mm column format. It evaluates and describes the linear range and initial demonstration of capability. Initial demonstration of capability includes determination of method accuracy, precision, detection limit (MDL), and matrix conductivity threshold (MCT). This document also describes perchlorate recovery in field samples. Overall, the results presented here meet or exceed the performance requirements specified in U.S. EPA Method 314.0. (This part has an one-click workflow for ICS5000 and AS-DV Autosampler).
AN1136: Determination of Perchlorate in Drinking Water using a Microbore Reagent Free Ion Chromatography System (Part A)
Instrument Type: ICThis Application Note expands the scope of the EPA Method 314.0 to the 2-mm column format. It evaluates and describes the linear range and initial demonstration of capability. Initial demonstration of capability includes determination of method accuracy, precision, detection limit (MDL), and matrix conductivity threshold (MCT). This document also describes perchlorate recovery in field samples. Overall, the results presented here meet or exceed the performance requirements specified in U.S. EPA Method 314.0. (This part has an one-click workflow for ICS2100 and AS-AP Autosampler)
AN1136: Determination of Perchlorate in Drinking Water using a Microbore Reagent Free Ion Chromatography System (Part B)
Instrument Type: ICThis Application Note expands the scope of the EPA Method 314.0 to the 2-mm column format. It evaluates and describes the linear range and initial demonstration of capability. Initial demonstration of capability includes determination of method accuracy, precision, detection limit (MDL), and matrix conductivity threshold (MCT). This document also describes perchlorate recovery in field samples. Overall, the results presented here meet or exceed the performance requirements specified in U.S. EPA Method 314.0. (This part has an one-click workflow for ICS2100 and AS-DV Autosampler)
AU144: Determination of Hexavalent Chromium in Drinking Water Using Ion Chromatography.
Instrument Type: ICHexavalent chromium, Cr(VI), is the most toxic form of chromium, a primary drinking water contaminant in the U.S. Cr(VI) can be determined as chromate by ion chromatography in drinking water, and wastewater.The California Department of Health Services recently issued a new Public Health Goal of 0.2 µg/L for Cr(VI). EPA Method 218.6 does not allow sufficient sensitivity for analysis at the California PHG level. This update describes modifications to Method 218.6 that significantly increase sensitivity over the existing method.Also refer to AU 179 for an updated method.