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Displaying 1-3 of 3 results for Tag: Online sample prep
Advances in Automation of Food-related Analysis and Screening
Instrument Type: LCMSMSWorldwide food safety concerns have risen dramatically as the number of food contamination incidents and product recalls has increased. Every food analysis starts with sample preparation, which is widely accepted as one of the most critical steps of LC/MS. Increased demand for higher throughput, accuracy and lower matrix interference from food analysis laboratories has made sample preparation the largest bottleneck. Turbulent flow chromatography technology can eliminate the need for lengthy offline sample preparation steps, thereby eliminating these disadvantages.
Analysis of Illegal Dyes in Food Matrices Using Automated Online Sample Preparation with Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Instrument Type: LCMSMSSudan dyes are red dyes used for coloring solvents, oils, waxes, petrol, or as additives in shoe and floor polish. They have been found in a number of food products such as chili / chili-containing products. Sudan dyes are banned as food additives in the USA, the EU, and many other countries, due to their links to cancer and other negative health effects. To overcome limitations in popular offline SPE and LC-UV measurements, we describe an easy, comprehensive LC method using a Transcend TLX-1 system powered by TurboFlow technology to analyze five illegal dye residues in a variety of sauces.
High Resolution LC-MS for Screening and Quantitative Analysis of Antibiotics in Drinking Water Using an Orbitrap and Online Sample Preparation
Instrument Type: LCMSMost current methodologies for the quantitation of antibiotics in drinking water revolve around analysis using triple stage quadrupole platforms with offline sample preparation. This is a proven technique for the analysis of many contaminants in various types of water samples, but the offline sample preparation steps are time-consuming and prone to operator error and reproducibility problems. We demonstrate the ability to directly inject the water sample without any offline preconcentration. We utilize LC-MS with a Thermo Scientific Exactive Plus Orbitrap MS using HR/AM.