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Displaying 1-2 of 2 results for Tag: Metal Cyanide Complex
AU149: Determination of Metal Cyanide Complexes in Solid Wastes by Anion-Exchange Chromatography with UV Absorbance Detection
Instrument Type: ICThis application update describes the determination of the metal cyanide complexes of iron, cobalt, silver, gold, copper, and nickel in solid wastes by anion-exchange chromatography with UV absorbance detection. Metal cyanide complexes are solubilized and recovered by an alkaline extraction procedure (SW846 Method 9013) prior to chromatographic analysis. Two analytical approaches are available depending on the concentration of metal cyanides expected in the leachate; the two methods differ only in how the sample is injected.
AN161: Determination of Metal Cyanide Complexes by Ion Chromatography with On-Line Sample Preconcentration and UV Absorbance Detection.
Instrument Type: ICIn this application note, an improved IC method is described for the determination of metal cyanide complexes in environmental waters. The metal cyanide complexes of silver, gold, copper, nickel, iron, and cobalt are separated on an anion-exchange column and quantified by measuring their absorbance at 215 nm. Sensitivity for most of the metal cyanide complexes is improved by over two orders of magnitude, compared to a direct injection, by preconcentrating metal cyanide complexes from a large sample volume onto a trap column before separation.