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Displaying 1-5 of 10 results for Tag: Matrix Elimination
AU72331: In-line Sample Preparation for the Determination of Anions in Sodium Hydroxide
Instrument Type: ICDetermination of anions in high pH samples is important for a variety of industries. But anions in a high pH sample cannot be determined without proper sample pretreatment due to the high concentration of hydroxide, which can act as an eluent, in the sample. This record shows an easier method to determine mg/L concentration of anions in sodium hydroxide using automated inline sample preparation with Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ Guardcap™ H vial caps. The caps serve as a cation exchange cartridge to neutralize samples before loading to the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac AS23-4μm column.
AU139: Determination of an Anionic Fluorochemical Surfactant (FC-95) in a Steel Bath
Instrument Type: ICThis Application Update describes a method for determining low ppm amounts of FC-95 in a steel bath (concentrated hydrofluoric, hydrochloric, and nitric acids with 200 g/L each of iron, chromium, and nickel) by ion chromatography. The method described in this Update is similar to that described in AN 119. The surfactant is removed from the acidic matrix and concentrated on an IonPac® NG1 column. The concentrated surfactant is then eluted from the IonPac NG1 column onto an OmniPac PAX-500 column set and detected by suppressed conductivity.
AN94: Determination of Trace Cations in Concentrated Acids (Sulfuric Acid) Using AutoNeutralization Pretreatment and Ion Chromatography
Instrument Type: ICThe determination of trace cationic contamination in processing acids (phosphoric, sulfuric, hydrofluoric) is important to the electronics industries to minimize corrosion. Here trace cationic contamination is determined in a 24% sulfuric acid sample. The acid sample is automatically neutralized through an electrolytic device, and then retained and concentrated onto a concentrator column. After eluting from the concentrator column, the µg/L cations are determined on an IonPac CS16 column using electrolytically generated MSA eluent and suppressed conductivity detection.
AN94: Determination of Trace Cations in Concentrated Acids (Phosphoric Acid) Using AutoNeutralization Pretreatment and Ion Chromatography
Instrument Type: ICThe determination of trace cationic contamination in processing acids (phosphoric, sulfuric, hydrofluoric) is important to the electronics industries to minimize corrosion. Here trace cationic contamination is determined in a 25% phosphoric acid sample. The acid sample is automatically neutralized through an electrolytic device, and then retained and concentrated onto a concentrator column. After eluting from the concentrator column, the µg/L cations are determined on an IonPac CS16 column using electrolytically generated MSA eluent and suppressed conductivity detection.
AN94: Determination of Trace Cations in Concentrated Acids (Hydrofluoric Acid) Using AutoNeutralization Pretreatment and Ion Chromatography
Instrument Type: ICThe determination of trace cationic contamination in processing acids (phosphoric, sulfuric, hydrofluoric) is important to the electronics industries to minimize corrosion. Here trace cationic contamination is determined in a 10% hydrofluoric acid sample. The acid sample is automatically neutralized through an electrolytic device, and then retained and concentrated onto a concentrator column. After eluting from the concentrator column, the µg/L cations are determined on an IonPac CS16 column using electrolytically generated MSA eluent and suppressed conductivity detection.