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Displaying 1-1 of 1 results for Tag: Hexasaccharide
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AN1149: Profiling Fructosyloligosaccharides (FOS)-containing samples by HPAE-PAD
Instrument Type: ICIn this work, the oligo- and polysaccharide distribution of three different inulin samples has been characterized by HPAE-PAD. In addition, HPAE-PAD profiling was demonstrated as a method to determine FOS content in prebiotic samples and variation in prebiotics on addition of probiotics. We used Inulin-FOS and chicory root inulin as prebiotic samples. For probiotics, we used Yakult drink, a well known probiotic dairy product. In this method, separation of individual oligosaccharides in FOS was achieved on a Dionex CarboPac PA200 column. An ICS-6000 can be used for this application.