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Displaying 1-2 of 2 results for Tag: HIBA
Dionex IonPac ICE AS6 Column Performance Test Using its QAR Method
Instrument Type: ICBefore running any samples, Thermo Scientific recommends that you first confirm the performance of the column by reproducing the lot validation report chromatogram shipped with column.Compare your results with the one reported in the quality assurance report. At least three injections should be made. This record provides an eWorkflow for executing the QAR method on an ICS-5000 system.<enter final 90 characters of description>
TN62: Reducing Carbonate Interference in Anion Determinations with the Carbonate Removal Device (CRD): Trace Anions
Instrument Type: ICCarbonate can interfere with accurate quantification of adjoining anions, such as sulfate. Here we show the efficient removal of the carbonate peak from a trace analysis water sample using the Dionex CRD 200 device. In this example, a large volume (1000 uL) of water spiked with < 4 ug/L concentration of 17 anions is directly analyzed.