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Displaying 1-2 of 2 results for Tag: Gas
Rapid and Reliable Detection of Dissolved Gases in Water
Instrument Type: GCThis application describes a GC method for the identification and quantification of light hydrocarbons as Methane, Ethane, Ethylene and Propane dissolved in water samples after reservoirs contamination. The monitoring of gas content in water is used to assess the environmental impact of fracking procedures. The analytical method involves the sampling of dissolved gases via static headspace extraction and an external calibration with clean water samples saturated with a gas standard mixture.
TN122: Separation of Heat Stable Amine Salts in Methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) SolutionsUsing High-Pressure IC
Instrument Type: ICSour gas is treated with amine and recycled amine (scrubbing) solutions to absorb toxic and undesirable H2S and CO2 create sweet natural gas. Salts of organic acids and sulfur species, heat stable amine salts (HSAS) can concentrate over time. Analysis of these HSAS are needed to assess the efficiency of scrubbing solution and can be quite challenging. In this technical note, HSAS in methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) were separated with high efficiency on a 2 mm i.d. IonPac AS11HC-4μm column using a high pressure ion chromatography system.