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Displaying 1-4 of 4 results for Tag: Disaccharidess
Dionex CarboPac PA210-Fast-4µm Column Performance Test Using its QAR Method
Instrument Type: ICBefore running any samples, Thermo Scientific recommends that you first confirm the performance of the column by reproducing the lot validation report chromatogram shipped with column. Compare your results with the one reported in the quality assurance report. At least three injections should be made. This record provides an eWorkflow for executing the QAR method on an ICS-5000+ system. An ICS-6000 can be used for this application.
Determination of High Sugar Concentrations in a Malbec Wine Sample Using a Compact Ion Chromatography System
Instrument Type: ICThis record demonstrates the determinations of glucose in a 100-fold diluted Malbec wine sample by HPAE-PAD. Typically samples with g/L concentrations require > 10,000-fold dilutions to remain in the linear range of the very sensitive HPAE-PAD technique. However, this method, demonstrated on the Integrion RFIC system, uses a 0.4 µL internal injection loop with the High Concentration Carbohydrate Analysis Kit to extend the linearity from low mg/L to g/L concentrations. A wood hydrolysate application using this technique is attached for reference.
Determination of High Sugar Concentrations in a Sparkling Wine Using a Compact Ion Chromatography System
Instrument Type: ICThis record demonstrates the determinations of glucose, fructose, and sucrose in a 100-fold diluted sparkling wine sample by HPAE-PAD. Typically samples with g/L concentrations require > 10,000-fold dilutions to remain in the linear range of the very sensitive HPAE-PAD technique. However, this method demonstrated on the Integrion RFIC system, uses a 0.4 µL internal injection loop with the High Concentration Carbohydrate Analysis Kit to extend the linearity from low mg/L to g/L concentrations. A wood hydrolysate application using this technique is attached for reference.
Determination of High Sugar Concentrations in a Scotch Liqueur Sample Using a Compact Ion Chromatography System
Instrument Type: ICThis record demonstrates the determinations of glucose, fructose, and sucrose in a 100-fold diluted liqueur alcoholic beverage sample by HPAE-PAD. Typically samples with g/L concentrations require >10,000-fold dilutions to remain in the linear range of the very sensitive HPAE-PAD technique. However, this method demonstrated on the Integrion RFIC system, uses a 0.4 µL internal injection loop with the High Concentration Carbohydrate Analysis Kit to extend the linearity from low mg/L to g/L concentrations. A wood hydrolysate application using this technique is attached for reference.