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Displaying 1-2 of 2 results for Tag: BMIS
AN82: Analysis of Fruit Juices Adulterated with Medium Invert Sugar from Beets (Method C)
Instrument Type: ICFruit juice adulteration presents an economic & regulatory problem. Investigators using high performance anion exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection(HPAE-PAD) discovered several components in beet medium invert sugar(BMIS) that are not present in orange juice. The selectivity of anion-exchange chromatography, especially for oligosaccharides, the sensitivity and specificity of pulsed amperometric detection make HPAE-PAD uniquely suited to this analysis. Today we would use a different electrochemical waveform (see TN21) and post-column addition of NaOH would not be required.
AN82: Analysis of Fruit Juices Adulterated with Medium Invert Sugar from Beets (Method A)
Instrument Type: ICFruit juice adulteration presents an economic & regulatory problem. Investigators using high performance anion exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (HPAE-PAD) have discovered several components in beet medium invert sugar (BMIS) that are not present in orange juice. The selectivity of anion-exchange chromatography, for oligosaccharides, and the sensitivity and specificity of pulsed amperometric detection make HPAE-PAD uniquely suited to this analysis. Today we would use a different electrochemical waveform (see TN21) and post-column addition of NaOH would not be required.