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Displaying 1-5 of 12 results for: aggregate

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Ustakinumab aggregate amalysis using Mabpac SEC-1

Instrument Type: HPLC (Biocompatible)

The Thermo Scientific™ Ultimate3000™ Biointert UHPLC system was applied for the aggregate analysis of Ustekinumab using Mabpac SEC-1 column.

Chromatographic method for size base impurity analysis of Teriparatide formulation sample using SEC Column

Instrument Type: HPLC (Biocompatible)

The Thermo Scientific Dionex Ultimate 3000 Bio LC System is applied for the impurity analysis of Teriparatide formulation sample. Analysis is performed on Mabpac SEC -1

Chromatographic method for size base impurity analysis of Filgrastim

Instrument Type: HPLC (Biocompatible)

The Thermo Scientific Dionex ultimate 3000 Bio LC system is Applied for the Aggregate impurities analysis of Filgrastim. The analysis was performed on Mabpac SEC-1 using the IP monograph method. IP has revised the resolution criteira from 2.0 to 3.0. The critical resolution of Aggregate and monomer was more than 3.0 .

Chromatographic method for aggregate and fragment analysis of Pertuzumab i.e IgG1 Mab using SEC column.

Instrument Type: HPLC (Biocompatible)

Analysis of protein aggregation and fragment of pertuzumab by size-exclusion chromatography, showing the universal applicability of the Thermo Scientific MAbPac SEC-1 column for aggregate and fragment analysis. Aggregate analysis is major CQA for protein based drugs and requires tight monitoring and control.

Robust, reproducible, and easy-to-implement plasma protein profiling workflow using high-flow UHPLC/MS/MS without depletion

Instrument Type: LCMS

To generate a robust and reproducible bottom-up protein profiling workflow that addresses throughput requirements for plasma biomarker discovery