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Improved analysis of sodium lauryl sulfate using a Thermo Scientific Acclaim Surfactant column by LC-ESI-MS Be the first to rate this application

improved analysis sodium lauryl sulfate using a thermo scientific acclaim surfactant column by lcesims
# Compound Name Compound Class RT (min)
1 Sodium lauryl sulfate Anionic Surfactant 9.79


The Thermo Scientific Acclaim Surfactant column is applied for the analysis of sodium lauryl sulfate with detection by ESI-MS.
Market: Pharma
Keywords: Acclaim Surfactant, Detergent, HPLC, LC-ESI-MS, MS detection, Sodium lauryl sulfate, Surfactant
Matrix: N/A
Uploaded on 7/16/2014.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.