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Increasing Speed of UHPLC-MS Analysis Using Single-stage Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer Be the first to rate this application

increasing speed uhplcms analysis using singlestage orbitrap mass spectrometer


Productivity of an LC-MS system is measured in samples per day. Modern ultrahigh pressure LC-MS (UHPLC-MS) methods increasingly deal with very short gradients, leading to chromatographic signals with peak widths below 5 seconds at the base. It is still a challenge for high-resolution, accurate mass (HR/AM) systems to provide a sufficient number of scans (=10) across the chromatographic peak in full scan mode without compromising sensitivity and selectivity. We describe a system that addresses these challenges.
Market: Environmental
Keywords: HRAM, Pesticide Screening, Exactive Plus, Feed analysis
Matrix: Animal feed
Author: Olaf Scheibner and Maciej Bromirski
Affiliation: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Uploaded on 3/30/2016.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.