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Analysis of Alkylphenols Using GC-MS/MS and Automated SRM Development Be the first to rate this application

analysis alkylphenols using gcmsms automated srm development


This application describes the analysis of alkylphenol compounds in food and environmental matrices, illustrating the productivity and high-quality results from the Thermo Scientific TSQ DUO Triple Quadrupole MS system with automated selected reaction monitoring (SRM) development. AutoSRM was used as useful tool for automated MRM method development and maintenance, delivering an optimized method without tedious and laborious procedures. The Chromeleon CDS software offers excellent processing options for data reviewing, including ion ratio checks and reporting.
Market: Environmental; Water Analysis; Food and Beverage
Keywords: AutoSRM, Chromeleon Chromatography Data System, Alkylphenols, Isomer integration, Method Development, Nonylphenol, NP, NPEs, Water Framework Directive
Matrix: Food, Water
Author: Inge de Dobbeleer, Joachim Gummersbach, Hans-Joachim Huebschmann
Affiliation: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Uploaded on 11/27/2015.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.