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AU131: Determination of Nitrite and Nitrate in Drinking Water Using Chemically Suppressed Ion Chromatography. Be the first to rate this application

au131 determination nitrite nitrate drinking water using chemically suppressed ion chromatography


Ion chromatography provides a convenient method for the determination of common inorganic anions in drinking water. Using chemically suppressed ion chromatography, trace nitrite and nitrate are accurately and rapidly determined in drinking water.This includes water samples that have been preserved with sulfuric acid. The method will tolerate chloride levels up to 150 ppm and sulfuric acid concentrations as high as 0.5%. This ion chromatographic method, using an IonPac AS9, will tolerate levels of sulfate up to five times that amount.
Market: Environmental
Keywords: Drinking Water, Nitrate, Suppressed conductivity detection, Nitrite, Chemical Suppression, IonPac AS9 analytical
Matrix: Drinking water
Affiliation: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Uploaded on 7/17/2015.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.