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AN254: Determination of Total Phosphorus in Wastewater Using Caro's Reagent and Ion Chromatography Be the first to rate this application

an254 determination total phosphorus wastewater using caros reagent ion chromatography
# Compound Name Compound Class RT (min)
1 Phosphate Phosphate 18.00


Here, two IC methods are presented for the determination of phosphorus content in wastewater. The sample's organic and inorganic phosphorus are converted to orthophosphate by treatment with Caro’s reagent before analysis by IC. Converting organic and inorganic phosphorus to orthophosphate allows phosphorus to be determined by ion chromatography (IC) with suppressed conductivity detection.
Market: Environmental
Keywords: AN 254, EluGen EGC, IC, IonPac AS18, IonPac AS22, Orthophosphate, Potassium Peroxymonosulfate, RFIC
Matrix: Wastewater
Uploaded on 2/23/2015.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.