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AU194: Determination of Existent and Potential Sulfate and Total Inorganic Chloride in Denatured Ethanol by Direct Injection Using an RFIC System Be the first to rate this application

sulfate chloride ethanol


According to American Soceity for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard D4806-13a, the concentrations of chloride and sulfate in denatured fuel ethanol used as a blending agent in gasoline are required to be <40 mg/L and <4 mg/L, respectively. This application describes an improved method for determination of total inorganic chloride as well as existent and potential sulfate in denatured ethanol using an RFIC system.
Market: Other
Keywords: ASTM, Biofuel, Dionex AERS 500 Suppressor, Dionex EGC III K2CO3 Cartridge, Dionex IonPac AS22 Column
Matrix: Ethanol
Author: Yongjing Chen, Brian Deborba, and Jeffrey Rohrer
Affiliation: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Uploaded on 10/13/2014.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.