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Displaying 1-2 of 2 results for Tag: TMC-1
TN25: Determination of Transition Metals in Complex Matrices by Chelation Ion Chromatography
Instrument Type: ICThis technical note describes chelation concentration, a selective concentration method, coupled directly to an ion chromatograph for the determination of transition metals in complex matrices. This method, Chelation Ion Chromatography, combines analyte concentration and matrix elimination with analytical separations and sensitive detection for transition and lanthanide metals. The result is a chromatographic technique that permits trace and ultratrace determination of metals in variety of sample matrices, especially those high in alkali and alkaline earth metals.
AN120: Determination of Calcium and Magnesium in Brine
Instrument Type: ICTo prevent membrane poisoning, new membrane technology in chlor-alkali cells requires feed brine that is relatively free of alkaline earth metals.This Application Note describes a method for determining low μg/L amounts of calcium and magnesium in a 30% sodium chloride brine by ion chromatography. A MetPac column is used to concentrate calcium and magnesium from the brine, which is then separated on an IonPac CS12A cation-exchange column and detected by suppressed conductivity detection. AU158 updates this method to achieve 10 ppb manganese by concentrating 10 times more sample.