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Displaying 1-2 of 2 results for Tag: Ibuprofen related compound C
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Rapid separation of ibuprofen, ibuprofen related compound C and valerophenone using advanced UHPLC and 4 µm solid core column
Instrument Type: UHPLCDemonstration of the advantages of using the Thermo Scientific Accucore XL C18 4 μm UHPLC column and the Thermo Scientific Vanquish UHPLC system for the separation of ibuprofen, ibuprofen-related compound C, and valerophenone.
Rapid separation of ibuprofen, ibuprofen-related compound C, and valerophenone using advanced UHPLC and sub-2 µm solid core column technologies
Instrument Type: UHPLCIn this work the advantages of using the Thermo Scientific Accucore Vanquish C18+ 1.5 μm UHPLC column and the Thermo Scientific Vanquish UHPLC system for the separation of ibuprofen, ibuprofen-related compound C, and valerophenone were demonstrated. The advanced capabilities of the Vanquish UHPLC system allow the Accucore Vanquish UHPLC columns to be operated at higher flow rates that enable development of rapid analytical methods while maintaining performance.