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Displaying 1-2 of 2 results for Tag: Corrosion Inhibitor
AN247 (b): Determination of Morpholine, Ethanolamine, and Hydrazine in Simulated Nuclear Power Plant Wastewater
Instrument Type: ICThis Application Note describes the determination of μg/L concentrations of hydrazine, morpholine, and ethanolamine (ETA) in a simulated NPP wastewater sample containing mg/L concentrations of common cations. ETA is separated using an IonPac CS15 column with electrolytically generated methanesulfonic acid eluent. See AN 247 (a) for separation of morpholine and hydrazine on an IonPac CS16 column.
AN247 (a): Determination of Morpholine, Ethanolamine, and Hydrazine in Simulated Nuclear Power Plant Wastewater
Instrument Type: ICThis Application Note describes the determination of μg/L concentrations of hydrazine, morpholine, and ethanolamine (ETA) in a simulated NPP wastewater sample containing mg/L concentrations of common cations. Morpholine and hydrazine are separated using an IonPac CS16 column with electrolytically generated methanesulfonic acid eluent. See AN 247 (b) for ETA separation on an IonPac CS15 column.