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Displaying 1-2 of 2 results for Tag: Cheese
AN361: Extraction of Total Fat from Food Samples After Acid Hydrolysis Using Accelerated Solvent Extraction with GC-MS Analysis
Instrument Type: Automated Sample PrepComplex matrices such as food typically require acid hydrolysis or pretreatment prior to solvent extraction. Our newly updated flow-through solvent extraction system allows extraction of matrices which require acidic or alkaline pretreatment. The ability to extract these pretreated matrices significantly expands the capabilities of accelerated solvent extraction technology.This Application Note describes methods used for extraction of total fat from food samples and determination of fat content by FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester) analysis based on AOAC Official Method 996.06 section G.
AN345: Extraction of Fat from Dairy Products (Cheese, Butter, and Liquid Milks) Using Accelerated Solvent Extraction
Instrument Type: Automated Sample PrepThe current methods for determining fat in dairy products, though acceptable, have several drawbacks. Many dairy-based products require a pretreatment prior to extraction. In this application note, fat is extracted from cheese, butter, and liquid milks using the ASE 200 Accelerated Solvent Extractor. The results are shown to be equivalent to those of traditional fat extraction methods. ASE results reported, are compared to Rose-Gottlieb, Schmid-Bondsynski-Ratzlaff, and International Dairy Federation tests that were conducted by 20 laboratories participating in the Interlaboratory Comparison.