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TN003551: Enhanced calibration precision: Leveraging RSE and WLS for optimal function optimization Be the first to rate this application

tn003551 enhanced calibration precision leveraging rse wls for optimal function optimization


This technical note explores the advantages of using relative standard error (RSE), weighted least squares (WLS) approximations, and inverted calibrations to enhance calibration quality in chromatography. By optimizing calibration curves through quadratic fitting, offset adjustments, and suitable weighting factors (such as 1/Amount²), the calibration process can be significantly improved, resulting in lower RSEs and better overall calibration quality. Incorporating RSE as an evaluation tool offers a deeper understanding of calibration reliability.
Market: Environmental; BioPharma; Chemical; Clinical Research; Pharma; Water Analysis; Other
Keywords: GC, HPLC, IC, ACF, averaged calibration factor, coefficient of determination, correlation coefficient, EPA:40 CFR Part 136, inverted calibration, linear curve, OLS, ordinary least squares, quadratic curve, r2, relative standard deviation, relative standard error, RSD, unweighted regression, weighted least squares, weighting
Author: Detlef Jensen
Uploaded on 3/12/2025.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.