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APN 002315: Fast anion determinations in environmental waters using a compact IC system Be the first to rate this application


This application proof note demonstrates a method for the determination of inorganic anions in municipal drinking water, which is based on the method published in Thermo Fisher Scientific Application Update 200. In this proof note, the method is performed using a new, innovative IC system that uses an electrolytic eluent generator to automatically produce eluent.
Market: Environmental
Keywords: Drinking Water, surface water, Dionex IonPac AS18-Fast-4μm column, Dionex ADRS 600 suppressor, Dionex Inuvion IC system
Matrix: Water
Author: Jingli Hu, Jeffrey Rohrer
Affiliation: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Uploaded on 11/9/2023.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.