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AutoPrep Templates: 1) ng/L (ppt) Anion Calibrations using Incremental Injections in 20 µL Loop. 2) AutoPrep Sample Template with 20 mL Samples Be the first to rate this application

autoprep templates ngl anion20 µl 20 ml loops


In the electronics industry, ionic contamination in the range of parts per trillion (ppt, ng/L) to parts per billion (ppb) concentrations is a major concern, causing corrosion-related failures in production and final product. The AutoPrep technique uses 1000-fold difference of sample loading with preconcentration to achieve trace ion determinations: large loop for samples and a small loop for standards. This is the AutoPrep template for ng/L (ppt) calibrations using incremental injections of a ppb standard onto a 20 µL small loop as compared to the sample on a 20 mL large loop.
Market: Electronics & Semiconductors
Keywords: fluoride, Nitrate, RFIC, Nitrite, Chloride, phosphate, IonPac AS17-C, Sulfate, Bromide, AutoPrep, large loop, small loop, TN 72206, TN72206, template
Matrix: Ultrapure water
Author: David Cerna, Terri Christison, and Jeff Rohrer
Affiliation: Thermo Fisher Scientific, Sunnyvale, CA USA
Uploaded on 2/1/2023.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.